Bell Flower TreeBell Flower Tree Mastery SignBig Bell Flower TreeBig Bell Flower Tree Mastery Sign

You may remember seeing these beautiful unreleased Bell Flower and Big Bell Flower Trees before. These lovely sparkly-looking trees are now in the FarmVille Market. But it seems as though you will have to pay a higher cost for this this prettiness! They have arrived tonight as part of the Fairy Garden Theme.
The Bell Flower Tree is the Level 1 Tree which will produce Mystery Seedlings when harvested from Orchards. These Mystery Seedlings will then grow up to be Level 2 Big Bell Flower Trees.

FarmVille Bell Flower Tree – 7 Farm Cash
FarmVille Big Bell Flower Tree – 15 Farm Cash
Both of these trees will be equipped with Tree Mastery the requirements and rewards for which are listed below.

FarmVille Bell Flower Tree Mastery Requirements & Rewards

Mastery Level 1: 75 harvests / Rewards: 25 XP and 500 Farm Coins
Mastery Level 2: 150 harvests / Rewards: 75 XP and 1,500 Farm Coins
Mastery Level 3: 225 harvests / Rewards: 250 XP and 5,000 Farm Coins and Mastery Sign

FarmVille Big Bell Flower Tree Mastery Requirements & Rewards

Mastery Level 1: 75 harvests / Rewards: 25 XP and 500 Farm Coins
Mastery Level 2: 150 harvests / Rewards: 75 XP and 1,500 Farm Coins
Mastery Level 3: 225 harvests / Rewards: 250 XP and 5,000 Farm Coins and Mastery Sign

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